Content and composition of sediment organic matter (OM), phosphorus sorption parameters, phosphorus forms and the horizontal distribution of interstitial soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration were addressed systematically, targeting large shallow lakes(Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu). Comparison of equilibrium phosphorus concentration (EPC0) with SRP concentration results showed that comparatively seriously-polluted area including northern Lake Taihu and inlet of the Nanfei River to southern Lake Chaohu, sediments still had phosphorus-absorbing function. In addition, OM and Olsen-P, P adsorption index, alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) were significant positive correlation, so the small molecular substance produced by the decomposition of organic matter increased phosphorus adsorption capacity. The indoor simulation experiments of adding small molecular substance furtherly confirmed the above hypothesis. Carbohydrate mainly affected the phosphorus sorption energy, while amino acid mainly increased the maximum phosphorus sorption. In short, the organic matter itself and its degradation products affected the sediment phosphorus adsorption capacity in different ways, and accordingly adjusted the process of lake eutrophication.