OM, TN, TP, and C/N were comprehensively investigated from the D core sediments of the Dongdahai Lake, which represented vertical evolution characteristics of nutritive salt. Furthermore nutritive salt were also evaluated by organic index and organic nitrogen appraisal method and evaluation criterion of phosphorus in deposit sediment, and its sources were investigated with particle size. The results indicated that the concentrations of most elements were from natural sources at 39 - 28 cm. OM and TP shared the same origin at 28 - 16 cm, for the change of nutritive index was mostly impacted by the climate and other natural factors and less by human activities. Largely controlled by coarse particulate matters, OM and TP decreased at 16 -7 cm, which confirmed the influence of decreasing precipitation on the indicators of the sediment in that period. At the upper part core (7 - 1 cm) , the organic index transformed from clean to organic pollution type, organic nitrogen was pollution free, and total phosphorus was heavily polluted. Organic matter mainly was endogenous clastics by C/N and the nutrition indicators were at the higher stage, which indicated the lake eutrophication was aggravated in recent years and the control of water eutrophication in Daqing should he focused on.