The Air Defense Identification Zone is a mechanism that requests the civil aircraft identifying itself before entering a specific territorial airspace. It is a special zone in which certain air traffic control measures may be adopted. This paper suggests that while considering the Air Defense Identification Zone, international law only provides partial jurisdiction for limited purposes. This means that the establishment of the Air Defense Identification Zone is not an occupation over the airspace upon High Seas or Exclusive Economic Zone. One cannot exclude the lawful usage from others. It is, therefore, reasonable that there are overlapping areas among the Air Defense Identification Zones established by different states. This paper concludes that the establishment of the Air Defense Identification Zone is based on the right of self-defense of customary international law, and the purpose of which is to ensure national defense. Therefore, it can be implemented beyond the scope of territorial airspace. Investigation and identification measures are imposed for those foreign aircraft who does not report before entering the Air Defense Identification Zone. It is a none-armed defense measure, therefore, does not violate any international law.