Sparse unmixing is based on the assumption that every mixed pixel in the hyperspectral image can be expressed in the form of linear combinations of a number of pure spectral signatures that are known in advance. Despite the success of sparse unmixing based on the lo or 11 regnlarizer, the limitation of this approach is its computational complexity or sparsity of the efficiency or accuracy. This paper chooses the lr2 norm as an alternative regnlarizer which is much easier to be solved than l0 regnlarizer and has better sparsity and robustness than 11 regularizer. Here, a l1/2 sparsity regularized unconvex variation model was proposed for the hyperspectral unmixing, namely SL1/2SU model. The unconvex optimization problem was simply transformed into a series of re-weighted l1 regularization problems, and they can be solved by variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian algorithm. The experimental results with both simulated and real hyperspectral data sets demonstrate that the proposed SL1/2SU method is an effective and simple spectral unmixing algorithm for hyperspectral unmixing,