The Santanghu area, which locate in the collisional binding site of the Siberian plate and the Kazakhstan plate, east Xinjiang, is an important part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Electron optical microscopic studies and electron probe microanalyses show that Santanghu Mid-Permian magmatic rocks have the major rock types of picrites, porphyritic basalt, holocrystalline basalt and andesitic basalt, and their main rock-forming minerals are chrysolite, augite, labradorite, feldspar, albite, orthoclase and potassium-sodium feldspar. Fo values of olivine ranges from 73 to 78. The end members of the augite are Wo (40.3--44.5), En(42.5--46.9), and Fs (10.2-- 15.7). Parent magma's MgO content is about 8% for Santanghu magmatic rocks. In the shallow magma chamber, olivine and some labradorite segregated from the parent magma, and migrated upward with these pre-crystallization during late magma upwelling and then erupted to form Santanghu magmatic rocks.