为了解WOFOST作物模型对拉林河流域春玉米的适用性,以东北地区哈尔滨、双城、尚志、扶余等地春玉米为研究对象,建立模型运行所需的气候、土壤、作物数据库,模拟2013年春玉米发育期日序变化、2009年土壤含水率的变化、2009年哈尔滨站春玉米生物量累积过程以及2009―2013年春玉米产量,并与实测值进行对比分析。结果表明,生育期平均绝对误差MAE=1.57d,标准差σ=1.54d,均方根误差RMSE=1.85d;土壤含水率MAE在1.38%~1.75%之间,RMSE在1.87%~2.33%之间,模型效率指数MEI在0.48~0.73之间;叶干质量、茎干质量、穗干质量的MEI在0.82~0.94之间,产量RMSE和MEI分别为0.72 t/hm~2和0.15。各适用性指标均在可信范围内,表明经过参数校准后的WOFOST模型在拉林河流域具有一定的适用性。
Two wheat genotypes and two maize genotypes in different drought tolerance were screeded to study the dynamic change of soil water and water use efficiency (WUE) by designing different irrigation treatments. The two years experiment results showed that the infiltration was a slow process, substantially in a period of 1 year. In the growth period of winter wheat, the soil water content in the 0-60 cm changed greatly. It was the main reason that the water below 60 cm soil couldn't be used by the summer maize resulted in the low irrigation efficiency. Through the analysis of winter WUE, the WUE increased with increasing irrigation frequency for drought resistant and water saving genotypes. Contrary to the drought sensitive genotypes. The yield changed little and the water consumption decreased for the drought resistant and water saving genotypes in the water deficit that WUE increased. Therefore, the selection of drought resistant and water saving wheat, moderate reduction of irrigation frequency, could reduce invalid irrigation infiltration, without affecting the production, it could also improve the water use efficiency in the North China plain.