Glacial successions on the eastern piedmont of Kongbugang Peak in the eastern Himala yong Co graben to east, are reassessed and preliminary glacial chronologies are presented for the region. Based on field investigation to the associated glacial landforms and detailed analysis on remote images, the glacial landforms are divided into four sets of tillscorresponding with so-called Nyanyxungla Ice Age, Jilongshi Ice Age, Ronbushi Ice Age and Holocene glaciations, respectively, from oldest to youngest in the area in the light of morphostratigraphy and relative weathering. The oldestGlacial Stage (orthe first tills)is represented by subdued and rounded moraine ridgesor platforms that contain boulders commonly exceeding several meters in diameter. These usually occur on high surfaces (about 4 900-5 000 m a. s. 1. ) above the main valleys and often are best seen on the interfluves between the lateral moraines of the second tills along the eastern piedmont of Kongbugang Peak, and deeply weathered on thetop of moraines platform. Becausethe tills have been dissected and partly overlaid by younger moraines, the reserved parts of the oldest tills are very limited in region, but it is believedthat the Glaciation maybe the largest in extentin light of evidence for piedmont glaciers, whichfill the whole Cona-Nariyong Co basin and joint with the glaciersfrom eastern mountains of the Cona-Nariyong Co basin. The second tills arerepresented by a few end moraines extendinginto Cona-Nariyong Co basin at an altitude about 4 800 m a. s. lin north of the basin, and some hummock moraines of piedmont glaciers at an altitude about 4 700-4 600 m a. s. 1 in the central basin. They extend to 10-11 km far from the present ridge of Kongbugang Peak and represent the last most prominent glaciation in the region. The boulders on these moraines are generally 1-3 m in diameter; they are limitedly weathered on surface. The tills may be divided into two sets of moraines on basis of the weathering and end moraines landform around Yab