This paper is aimed at giving a comprehensive survey over the sources and biosorption capacities of different kinds of microor ganisms. Radioactive pollution of sewage containing nuclides has become one of the most serious environmental problems, which has made biosorption one of the most promising technologies in treating sewage with lower concentrated uranium residue. The results of our study shows that the biosorption capacities of uranium by bacteria, actinomycete, fungi, algae were degressive in nature, whose order can be listed as follows: 400 -9 000 mg/g (by bacteria) 〉 440 mg/g (by actinomycete) 〉 170 - 215 mg/g (by fungi) 〉 1.6 - 560 mg/g (by algae). This paper has also analyzed the influential factors and mechanisms of biosorption, coming to conclude that the pretreatment, pH, interference ions and initial concentration of uranium can be taken as main factors affecting biosorption. Its capacities are likely to be enhanced after pretreatment. Nevertheless, the influences of co-ions are varied from case to case. While there may come an increase in biosorption concomitant with an increase in pH and initial concentration of uranium, the structm'e of cells, such as active groups on the cell wall and intracellular groups, can play an important role in the biosorption process. In addition, the electrostatic sorption, enzymatic catalysis, abio-micro-precipitation, redox, etc. are also the main mechanisms of the biosorption. Due to the influence of the above factors, the uranium residue is likely to get easily recovered from the metal-loaded biomass by elution with desorption materials, such as 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid and so on. And, finally, the paper has made a forecast of the orientation of the development of biosorption of uranium in the time to come.