提出了一种基于常规-异常(regular-singular,RS)算法的改进的最低有效位(least significant bit,LSB)嵌入方式水印检测方案.经实验及理论分析认为,RS算法误差产生的主要原因是载体图像存在较大的初始偏移量,并在此基础上对其拟合方式进行了改进,提高了拟合的精度,由此减小了载体图像的初始偏移量对估计准确度的影响.理论推导和计算机仿真结果表明,与RS算法以及其它现有检测算法相比,改进算法不但能够很好地改善检测性能,提高隐藏信息长度的估计准确度,而且时间复杂度也较小,是一种可以快速估计待测图像中隐藏信息长度的实用算法.
An improved method of detecting least significant bit (LSB) steganography was proposed on the basis of regular-singular (RS) algorithm, which is an effective method for detecting LSB embedding in digital images. With experiments and theoretical analysis, the initial bias of the cover image turned out to be the main cause of the estimated error of RS algorithm. And based on such analysis, the fitting model was improved to better fit the actual RS curves and therefore increased the estimated accuracy. Simulation results showed that the improved method was more accurate and less time-consuming than some other existing algorithms. This reliable method can be applied to fast detect LSB steganography in digital images.