One goal of this study was to assess and categorize farmland protection areas on the basis of costs and beneifts of economic compensation, so as to enhance the economic efifciency of compensatory fund outlays while simultaneously protecting farmland areas. Compensation priority was ranked using a cost-effective approach. Taking Cixi City, Zhejiang Province, as an example, the entire prefecture was classiifed into four zones based on levels of compensation using a cluster analysis that identified: priority compensation zones, sub-priority compensation zones, secondary compensation zones, and critical compensation zones; the areas of arable land in these zones accounted for 4.309%, 17.837%, 31.972%, and 45.882%, respectively, of the total area of arable land. The study identiifed spatial differences in the efifciency of economic compensation for farmland protection, which were highly correlated with costs of arable cultivation. We suggest that rules of farmland protection selection based on compensation efifciency should be established.