To solve nonlinear systems of equations F(x) =0, Newton's flow equation xt(t) = V ( x ) =- ( D F ( x ) )^-1 F ( x ) , x (0 ) = x^0 and its numerical flow x^j+1 = x^j + h V ( x^j) for h ∈ (0, 1] are studied. The damped index gj(h) =‖F(x^j+1)‖/‖F(x^j)‖ = ‖ - h + h^2dj(h)| 〈 1 and refine expression gj (h) = (1 - h/m)^m + h2O(‖x^j - x^*‖) near the m-ple root x^* are derived. Finally based on fourth computable quantities gj, dj, Kj, qj, a new Newton flow algorithm is proposed, which can find all real, multiple and complex roots, if put into a large number of stochastic initial points.