从不同空间尺度识别中部粮食主产区耕地等别的分布特征,为制定适合区域耕地质量保护提升对策及耕地空间布局优化提供理论依据。以中部6省农用地分等国家级汇总成果和中国耕地质量等级调查与评定分省卷作为本研究的基础数据,将中部粮食主产区耕地通过Arc GIS空间统计分析,应用加权平均法进行数据处理,探讨耕地等别在不同空间尺度的数量结构分布特征,分析了省际之间、土地利用区、标准耕作制度分区及区域资源本底要素即耕作制度与耕地类型之间的耕地等别特征与平均等别状况。研究表明中部粮食主产区耕地分布在1-15等,其中以6-10等为主;在省际之间对比分析发现湖北、湖南和江西的耕地等别较高,集中在5-8等;从土地利用区来看,湘鄂皖赣区耕地等别高于晋豫区;从标准耕作制度分区来看,长江中下游区、江南区、四川盆地和黄淮海区耕地等别较高,黄土高原区和云贵高原区耕地等别较低;耕地等别与区域资源本底要素水平总体一致,耕地复种次数越多,等别越高,灌溉水田和水浇地等别一般高于旱地和其他宜农地。根据耕地质量等别分布特征,应优先保护复种指数较高的水田和水浇地,重点提升复种指数较低的旱地和其他宜农地。从宏观方面对不同空间尺度的耕地等别分布差异进行了分析,有助于总体上把握区域耕地质量分布特征,实施差别化的土地整治和高标准基本农田建设。
In order to grasp the spatial distribution characteristics of farmland quality gradation at different spatial scales, provide a theoretical basis for farmland quality protection and improvement, and optimize the spatial distribution of farmland in the main grain production areas of central China, we studied national collection results of farmland classification, investigation and evaluation of farmland quality gradation based on area-weighted averages and spatial analyses across central China. We discuss the spatial distribution characteristics of quantitative structure of farmland quality gradation at different spatial scales, farmland grade structure and average farmland grade among provinces, land use zonation and standard farming system zones, and the relationship between farmland quality gradation and regional resource elements, especially for farmland types and farming system. The results indicate that paddy fields and irrigated land with a high multiple crop index should be key protection areas, while dry land and potential arable land with a low multiple crop index should improvement areas. This data will help explain the spatial distribution characteristics of farmland quality on the whole and provide guidance for the implementation of differentiated land reclamation and well-facilitated capital farmland construction in main grain production areas of central China.