The tungsten alloy melting behaviors under high-velocity shock loading is investigated by Molecular Dynamic (MD) method combined with Embedded Atom Method (EAM) potential of tung- sten alloy. First, the shock model of tungsten alloy is set up and the numerical simulations of lattice planes (100), (110), (111) under the shock loadings with the same velocity are conducted respective- ly. The Hugoniot curve and the relative data of pressure,temperature,volume and particle velocity be- hind the shock wave are obtained. Based on the analyses of the data and the curve, it is found that the shock pressure is in proportion to the shock temperature and inversely proportional to the shock vol- ume. The above conclusions fit to experimental data well when the loading velocity is low, which are extended to the high-velocity impact field. The calculations show the plasticity of tungsten under high- velocity impact in qualitative description.