This study aims to explore the multiple mediating effects of personal belief in a just world (PBJW) and gratitude on how general belief in a just word (GBJW) affects left-at-home rural lower secondary school students' emotional experience, by testing 315 left-at-home rural lower secondary school students with the GBJW scale, the PBJW scale, the Chinese Gratitude Questionnaire (CGQ - 6), and the positive emotions scale. The results show the folowing: (1) There were significant correlations between the variables except between gratitude and negative emotions; (2) when PBJW and gratitude were included in the regression equation, GBJW showed no significant effect on positive emotions; and (3) when PBJW was included in the regression equation, GBJW showed no significant effect on negative emotions. The study concludes that PBJW and gratitude completely mediate between GBJW and emotional experience.