分享的一个新奇的量秘密(QSS ) 计划根据中国剩余物定理(CRT ) 被建议。在计划,古典消息根据 CRT 方程被印射到秘密序列,并且分别地由不同维的编码 superdense 散布了到不同接收装置。CRT 的秘密分享功能和高度维的编码 superdense,为秘密分发提供便利,安全,和大能力量隧道并且恢复。分析显示出计划的安全。
A novel quantum secret sharing (QSS) scheme is proposed on the basis of Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). In the scheme, the classical messages are mapped to secret sequences according to CRT equations, and distributed to different receivers by different dimensional superdense-coding respectively. CRT's secret sharing function, together with high-dimensional superdense-eoding, provide convenience, security, and large capability quantum channel for secret distribution and recovering. Analysis shows the security of the scheme.