Inter-annual variations and especially, trends of frequency, intensity and location of landfalling typhoons in China are investigated in contrast with typhoons in the Northwestern Pacific based on the data of tropical cyclones in the Northwestern Pacific, landfalling typhoons in China and the global surface temperature from 1949 to 2002. Results show that under global warming ,the decreasing trend of the frequency of landfalling typhoons in China was weaker than that of typhoons in the Northwestern Pacific, and the average and especially, extreme intensities of landfalling typhoons in China were decreasing, but the decreasing trend was weaker than that of typhoons in the Northwest Pacific. In the global warming period of 1968-2002 ,the locations of landfalling typhoons in China mostly situated in the middle of the east coastal area of China and the position whereat Northwestern Pacific typhoons reached their maximum had a trend to move northwards during its life.