Microcapsules with dodecanol (C12 OH) encapsulated were prepared through complex coacervation by adding gelatin (GE) solution to an acacia gum (AG) solution and through GE simple coacervation by adding sodium sulfate solution to GE solution, both in presence of C12 OH. C12 OH was chosen for the core material because it does constitute a real component in sex pheromones of numerous insects. In a first step, Zeta potential and light transmittance in the two coacervation processes were followed in order to determine the optimum ratio of AG and GE in complex coacervation and the best amount of sodium sulfate in simple coacervation. It was observed that maximum yield was achieved for complex coacervation with AG/GE weight ratio at unity, and for simple coacervation when 30 mL of 20 % sodium sulfate was added to 40 mL of 6 % GE solution. When the wall material concentration was equal to or higher than 3 %, the size of the microcapsules from complex coacervation was larger than that prepared through simple coacervation. Nevertheless, simple coacervation led to capsules with much narrower size distribution. C12 OH encapsulation rates in simple eoaeervation were significantly lower compared with those in complex eoaeervation at equal wall material concentration,leading therefore to a lower C12 OH loading in simple eoaeervation. To investigate C12OH release from the capsules, samples were placed into an incubator with constant temperature (30℃) and relative humidity (50% RH), and taken out for C12OH examination by gas chromatography and by weighing the samples. It was found that all samples from simple eoaeervation reached their final release in less than one week, no difference was observed for samples prepared with different wall material concentration; whereas microcapsules from complex coacervation manifested a three-step-release profile, i and terminated by a release increase till completion. Results i. e. a quick start followed by a constant plateau region also revealed that capsules prepared wi