近年来,多种先进粒子探测器系统开始使用专用集成电路芯片( ASIC),芯片的性能对探测器整体性能起着重要作用。论文设计了一种多通道核(粒子)探测器读出芯片,每个通道包含前放、成形、峰值保持等完整读出结构,同时也设计了每个模块单独使用的版本。其信号处理流程为低噪声前置放大器对信号先进行积分预处理,然后送入滤波成形电路形成准高斯型脉冲,峰值保持模块探测并保持其峰值供读出。芯片分立模块目前已完成大部分测试,工作正常,六通道完整芯片也准备与实际探测器联调试用。
Recently , kinds of particle detectors have used Application Specific Integrated Circuits ( ASIC ) in their electronics readout systems , it is the key part for the whole system .This project designed a multi -chan-nel readout ASIC for general detectors .The chip has Preamplifier , Shaper and Peak Detector embedded for easy readout .For each channel , signal which is preprocessed by a low -noise preamplifier is sent to the shaper to form a quasi-Gaussian pulse and keep its peak for readout .This chip and modules of individual Preamplifier , Shaper and Peak Detector have been manufactured and tested .The discrete modules work well , and the 6-channel chip NPRE_6 is ready for test in some particle detection system .