Facial landmark localization plays an important role in many face-related applications such as face recognition and 3D face reconstruction. Although existing methods already achieve promising results on frontal and near-frontal face images, their performance on face images with large pose angles is still far from being satisfactory. A multi-view facial landmark localization method is proposed in this paper. It divides head pose angles into a number of non-overlapping ranges. During training,for each range of head pose angles,a facial landmark template is consU'ucted by using the CPR ( Cascaded Pose Regression) method, and a corresponding texture model is established by using the CLM (Constrained Local Model) method. During testing,given a new face image,all the templates are applied to it,each resulting in a set of facial landmarks. The associated texture models are then used to compute the fitness values of them, from which the one with the maximum fitness is chosen as the final result. Expedmertts on the FERET database with comparison to a state-of-the-art method prove the effectiveness of the proposed method in localizing the facial landmarks on face images with large pose angles.