Natural attenuation is one of the cost-effective techniques for the remedy or containment of chlorinated solvent contamination. How to achieve credible attenuation rates of contaminants simply would play an important role in decision-making and site management. A Trend Line Analysis (TLA) is a simple and effective method. Using this method, natural attenuation rates and specific biodegradation rates can be estimated, preferably under the steady state of the contaminant plume, by using contaminant data from at least three monitoring wells. These wells should be situated along a transect parallel to groundwater flow and as close to the een- terline of the plume as possible. A case history in a typical chlorinated solvent contaminated area shows that the natural attenuation rate and specific biodegradation rate of PCE are 0. 000 925 d^-1 and 0. 000 537 d^-1 respectively. This confirms the existence of biodegradation of PCE in this area, but the rate of biodegradation is slow. Natural attenuation rate estimated from Natural Attenuation Capacity calculation, neglecting sorption, is clearly smaller than that estimated by TLA method. The result shows that the effect of a small amount of organic carbon in the aquifer media on sorption of PCE cannot be neglected.