在内蒙古自治区阴山北部农牧交错带耕地表土33组颗粒分析实验数据基础上,运用Matlab软件对Van Genuchten等模型进行模拟求参,并得到能较为精确地表征当地土壤颗分曲线的数学模型,以期为全面综合分析阴山北部农牧交错带风蚀沙化地表土壤的抗风蚀能力有所帮助。
Based on 33 groups of particle - size analysis data of a cultivated surface soil in the fanning - pastoral zone in the North of Mountain Yin of Inner Mongolia, the MATLAB software was applied to obtain a parameter model which can accurately express surface soil particle - size distribution. This study aimed at analyzing the influencing factors for wind erosion, and finding out the ways for ecological recovery of the soil in the soecial zone.