The crowd-funding archival information development pattern based on the crowd-funding theory at archives is concrete expression of the dual core interaction theory , which core content is the be- nign interaction between the user archives demand and the archival information and resources supply . The effective operation of the crowd-funding archival information development pattern based on the crowd-fund- ing theory at archives depended on three basic conditions: the rich high quality digital archival information and resources; the efficient channel shared the archival information and resources and the platform partici- pated by the public ; the experienced team of developing the archival information and resources . The archives in China had the conditions to use the crow-funding pattern to develop the archival information and resources. Referencing the application of developing the archival information and resources and pub- lishing books based on the crowd-funding pattern in the Institute of Tai Wan History , Academia Sinica archive and the inland Crowd-funding Net , the essay proposed a crowd-funding archival information de- velopment pattern based on the crowd-funding theory , and analyzed the its operation mechanism .