中国经济学的进步离不开经济学期刊的支撑和引导,近年来中国的经济学期刊纷纷引入国际通行的匿名审稿制度,这一制度变革是否促进了中国的经济学进步?中国经济学期刊采用匿名审稿制度的差异性为我们提供了一个"准自然实验",本文首次采用中国经济管理类366种期刊2003—2012年的面板数据,利用影响因子、总被引频次、平均引文率、被引半衰期、立即指数等五个指标,就匿名审稿制度对中国经济学学术进步的推动作用进行系统评价。在采用双重差分方法(Difference in Differences)并进行了一系列稳健性检验后发现,匿名审稿制度的推行使得学术期刊的影响因子、总被引频次、平均引文率显著上升,事实匿名审稿制度比名义匿名审稿制度的作用更强。而且,匿名审稿制度的推行具有动态效应,随着推行年份的延长,学术进步越为明显。一方面,这一发现为推动中国经济学进步提供了一个重要的制度变革依据;另一方面,在中国学术期刊竞争日益激烈的背景下,这一发现对中国的学术期刊提高期刊竞争力和影响力具有重要的借鉴意义。
We use the panel data of 366 kinds of economic and management journals from 2003 to 2012 in China to evaluate the contribution of anonymous peer review institution to China's economics progress with five indexes: impact factor, cited times, average citation rate, cited half-life, and immediately index. After doing many robust tests with DID method, we find that anonymous peer review institution has positive effect on impact factor, cited times and average citation rate of academic journals significantly, which is higher if this institution is implemented more strictly. What's more, anonymous peer review institution has dy- namic effects on academic progress, which will be more obvious in the long run.