以日本长海带(Laminaria longissima)×真海带(Laminaria japonica)杂交F1代60株幼孢子体为材料,利用RAPD、ISSR和AFLP 3种分子标记技术进行海带分子遗传机制的研究。结果表明:由25个RAPD引物、14个ISSR引物和20对AFLP引物组合共扩增出151个RAPD位点、89个ISSR位点和532个AFLP位点。其中符合尔孟德遗传分离规律的RAPD、ISSR和AFLP位点分别有125、87和430个,各占每种标记总扩增位点数的83.3%、97.8%和80.8%;偏离孟德尔遗传分离规律的RAPD、ISSR和AFLP位点分别有25、2和102个,各占每种标记总扩增位点数的16.7%、2.2%和19.2%。上述统计结果从分子水平上验证了海带有性繁殖过程符合孟德尔遗传方式。
To investigate the genetic mechanism during the Laminaria sexual reproduction, the gametophytes of L. japonica Aresch and L. longissima Miyabe were chosen as parents for hybridization. RAPD, ISSR and AFLP makers were used for the analysis of genetic mechanism. All the 151 RAPD loci were amplified with 25 random primers ,89 ISSR loci were amplified with 14 SSR primers ,and 532 AFLP loci were amplified with 20 selective primer combinations. Among the amplified loci, 125 RAPD loci, 87 ISSR loci and 430 AFLP loci were fit for Mendel' s laws of inheritance and segregation among the F1 progenies, which accounted for 83.3%, 97.8% and 80.8%, respectively. It showed that the sexual reproduction of Laminaria basically followed Mendel's laws of inheritance and segregation.