This study selected deferent minerals from Emeishan basah-related native Cu deposits in the Sichuan-Yun- nan-Guizhou area for colloid Cu and Cu2+ solution adsorption investigations under room temperature and neutral pH conditions. Adsorption rate of colloid Cu and Cu2 ~ solution by different minerals decreases according the order of sul- fides, organic matters (bitumen) , clay minerals and silicates. The adsorption result is consistent with the fact that n- ative Cu in the Sichuan-Yunan-Guizhou area is mostly hosted in basaltic breecias and aluminous-clayey sedimentary rocks. Native Cu is generally associated with organic matters, which are ideal adsorbent, indicating reducing condi- tions during ore forming stage. This study also discussed Cu migrating ways in the Emeishan basalt-related Cu depos- its. Cu can migrate not only in forms of ions or complexes, but also in nanometer-level simple substances.