A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique was utilized to study the pulsation mechanism inside a Rijke tube. The simulation of flow field, which coupled the inner space of Rijke tube with its outer space, was carried out to replace the traditional way by means of internal flow field numerical investigations. A hypothesis of the relationships among wosteady heat of air around heat source, oscillation pressure and oscillation velocity was presented. To reflect the essence of Rijke tube, simulation of self-excited oscillation was obtained by means of pulsation of pressure, velocity and temperature. Cloud charts of pressure distribution of nozzle and leakage value of sound pressure were drawn. The physical phenomenon of self-excited Rijke tube was analyzed. Moreover, the self-excited oscillation mechanisms of Rijke tube were explained. Based on this method, comparative research on the acoustic characteristics of Rijke pipe with nozzles of different sizes was performed. Results show that noise can be lowered by redusing the nozzle size.