To identify and localize the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-producing cells in the digestive tract of Fejervarya multistriata, strep avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method was performed, and the distributive density of 5-HT cells was compared among different portions. The results showed that the ratio between open and closed populations of 5-HT cells was ranged from 0.71 to 1.50 in different portions of the digestive tract. Esophagus and rectum were mainly comprised by open populations of 5-HT cells and other portions were closed populations. The ratio between open and closed populations of 5-HT cells in the duodenum was almost equal to 1. Rectum and duodenum showed the highest distributive density of 5-HT cells and stomachus cardiacus and corpus the lowest. Although the morphological features of 5-HT cells in the digestive tract of F. multistriata were similar to those of other amphibians, the unique characteristic of distributive density might be related to the food habit and life style.