Since temperature and pressure of shale reservoir are higher than gas critical value, it belongs to supercritical adsorp- tion. Due to the absolute absorption amount calculated by conventional adsorption model R-L, LRC, E-L and E-F can' t accurate- ly represent excess adsorption by isothermal adsorption test, excess adsorption can revise conventional multi-component adsorption model. This paper takes nonlinear fitting method to calculate fitting parameters, uses relative error to analyze fitting results of con- ventional and supercritical adsorption model, and adopts supercritical adsorption model to describe the adaptability of shale gas ad- sorption rule. The result shows that every fitting result of revised adsorption models is superior to conventional adsorption models, in addition, revised R-L and E-L adsorption models can better describe their supereritical adsorption characteristics, and the E-L adsorption model can better describe that of shale gas reservoir. This research can provide important references for accurately and quickly predicting supercritieal adsorption characteristics of shale gas reservoir.