The paper proposes a group of new distributions for interferometric magnitude and their corresponding parameter estimators.Firstly,under the frame of multiplicative model,based on the complex Wishart distribution,and bringing in the theory of clutter classification brought forward by Frery et al., the new intefferometric magnitude' s statistical models are deduced according to utilizing the reciprocal of a square root of Gamma and the square root of generalized inverse Gaussian law. The group of new mod- els can Precisely model the interferometric magnitude corresponding to different clutter areas with broad degrees of homogeneity, and they achieve the unification of the statistical distributions for single-channel SAR images and multi-channel SAR interferometric magnitude. Secondly, The new models' estimators are acquired based on the MeUin Iransform which can estimate the contained parameters quickly and accttrately, guaranteeing the new distributions' fitting precision. According to the experiments performed on the real spacebome SAR image, using the KuUback-Leibler (KL) distance,mean square error (MSE) and Kolmogomv-Smimov (KS) test as similarity measurements, the experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed models and estimators.