中国第一次污染普查数据获取了大量的污染源基础信息,结合GIS技术的分析功能建立应用平台,对普查数据在地理空间上进行考查分析可以直观地揭示污染源的时空状况及规律,提高普查数据的实用价值,为环境保护的监管提供决策支持。在分析了环境保护工作的业务需求,研究了GIS软件技术的基础上,提出了基于SOA软件架构,以ArcGIS Server和Flex技术为开发环境,面向污染普查数据分析应用领域的WebGIS分析平台的系统架构设计和功能实现方法,结果表明,GIS技术在污染源普查数据分析应用方面有一定优势。
China's first pollution sources survey had got a lot of basic information,through geo-spatial analysis of polluting sources data,the distribution law can be revealed visually,then to provide better decision support for monitoring about environmental protection,it improve the census data practical value.We proposed a WebGIS system architecture and function design for a surveying application of polluting sources.The framework is based on an SOA framework and utilizes ArcGIS Server components and the Flex platform.The results show that,GIS technologies have some advantages in the data analysis of pollution sources survey.