不同语体阅读知觉广度的研究由来已久,研究重心多集中于拼音文字和表意文字,已有研究表明阅读知觉广度存在语言加工的特异性。藏语作为拼音文字,同时具有表意文字的特征,是阅读知觉广度研究尚未涉及的语言材料。因此,藏语阅读知觉广度的范围尚不清楚,藏语阅读知觉广度是否也表现出语言加T的特异性也有待证实。为了探测藏语阅读知觉广度的大小,使用EyeLink 1000 Plus型眼动记录仪,以35名在校藏族大学生为被试,采用经典的移动窗口范式,设计了7种窗口(5、9、13、17、21、25和整行)。结果发现,L2R2-L12R12在所有指标的观测值上均存在显著差异,L4R4-L12R12在总注视次数、总注视时间和向右眼跳幅度三个指标的观测值上存在显著差异,L6R6-L12R12在向右眼跳幅度指标的观测值上存在显著差异,L8R8-L12R12在所有指标的观测值上均不存在显著差异,达到了基准水平。结果支持藏族大学生藏语阅读知觉广度的右侧范围大约是注视点右侧4~8个字符的空间。阅读知觉广度存在语言加工的特异性。
Perceptual span in reading refers to the range of useful information that can be obtained from each fixation of the reader during the reading process. Perception span is not only a basic question in reading research, but also is a problem with an important practical value. The divergence of the perceptual span in reading can effectively reflect the efficiency and the processing strategy for reading across individual readers. Perceptual span is an.important component of language processing, which varies to characteristics of the languages themselves. The exploration of the perceptual span of phonetic characters and Chinese reading has been completed by a lot of researches until recently. However, the attribute of perceptual span in reading of the Tibetan language which is alphabetic writing and at the same time has the characteristics of ideograms remains largely unclear. The moving window paradigm proposed by McConkie and Rayner (1975) is one of commonly used methods in reading perceptual span studies. In order to probe the size of perceptual span in reading Tibetan language, the present study recruited 35 Tibetan university students as participants, and instructed them to complete the reading task which was presented using the classic moving window paradigm including 7 kinds of window (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, and the entire line), in this process the EyeLink 1000Plus eye tracker was applied to trace the eye movement during reading. Corresponding to the previous studies, this study took the average fixation time, fixation times, total fixation time, reading speed, and the jump magnitude to the right as the analysis index. The variance analysis of repeated measures was used to measure the window variables. The results of variance analysis showed that, with the increase of overall trend window, the average fixation time, total fixation times, and total fixation time decreased, but the reading speed and the right eye jump amplitude increased. In order to determine whether the set of the maximum window condit