采用Skalar公司的SAN++连续流动分析仪在线测定地表水中的高锰酸盐指数。相关系数为0.9991,线性范围0.2~11.3 mg/L,方法检出限为0.05 mg/L,加标回收率在95%~108%之间。对3种不同浓度的标准物质进行分析,测定值均在其保证值范围内,精密度在1.1%~2.8%之间。使用t检验法对连续流动分析法测定实际地表水样品的结果与标准方法的结果进行差异化检验,结果表明二者无显著性差异,说明该方法适合地表水分析,且由于其样品分析速度快、准确度高、干扰少,特别适合对大批量样品进行连续分析。
There is a method for the determination of permanganate index in surface water by continu‐ous flow analysis using Skalar's SAN+ +. The linear relationship was in range of 0.2 to 9.78 mg/L ,the relative coefficient was 0.9991 .The detection limit was 0.05 mg/L. The recovery rate was 95% 108% . T he test of the three different stadard samples indicated that the precision w as 1. 1% 2. 8% .Compared with T‐test ,there was no significant difference between them .This analyzer is more suitable for large quantities samples of surface w ater .