目的研究提高图像拼接效率的方法。方法利用拼接区域的相似性信息降低图像拼接的计算量。结果提出一种图像拼接过渡区域的搜索方法,并以此在空间上约束被拼接图像拉普拉斯金字塔(Laplacian pyramid)分解和图像的拼接、重构计算。结论实验表明该算法在保证拼接质量的前提下明显提高了基于金字塔分解的图像拼接算法效率。
Aim To reduce the calculation of pyramid decomposition. Methods The method is based on multiresolution image mosaicing with restricting the calculation to a boundary neighbor which is defined by the similarity of the images near the boundary. Results The experiment shows that the new approach improves the efficiency of image mosaic with satisfied quality. Conclusion The image features can be utilized to promote the efficiency of image mosaic.