In 1999, Chilcott found that electrical impedance measurements of single crystal glycine revealed anomalous temperature dependence of the conductance and capacitance around 304 K. This unusual electric behavior was not explained by the conduction mechanism. The present paper investigates temperature- dependent Raman spectra of α- glycine from 90 K to 340 K. We find a discontinuous frequency variation of the NH3^+ torsional mode of α - glycine crystal around 304 K. It is consistent with the sharp peak of the hydrogen bonds N - H(6)…O (1) and N-H(7)…O(2) around 304 K, which was assumed due to the NH3^+ torsion mode splitting and deformations. The electrical dipoles of NH3^+CH2COO^- are reoriented and the crystal had to undergo a ferrodectric transition around 304 K.