近海航空重力数据在陆海大地水准面统一中起着重要作用。近3年来,利用我国首套航空重力测量系统(CHAGS)完成了渤海湾地区近20万平方千米的5′×5′格网平均重力异常数据的获取。本文首先介绍了渤海湾地区航空重力测量的概况,给出航空重力测量数据的处理要点;然后,详细讨论了航空重力测量的精度评估方法,其中针对该区域的测线布设特点,提出了“重叠格网比较法”以评估格网平均重力异常的内符合精度。结果表明,对于5′的波长分辨率,交叉点重力异常不符值在抗差后的中误差约为15. mGal ,重叠格网法获得的5′×5′格网平均重力异常的中误差约为16. mGal ;5′×5′格网重力异常与卫星测高和船测重力的比较精度优于30.mGal ;由航空重力测量获得的1°×1°格网平均重力异常与GOCE卫星重力位模型的计算值相比较,其系统性差异小于05. mGal、中误差约为27. mGal。利用航空重力数据后,渤海湾区域大地水准面与16个GPS水准点的比较精度由EGM2008模型的约23 cm提高到约12 cm。
Offshore airborne gravity plays a very important role in the unifying of the land geoid and marine geoid .Airborne gravimetry using Chinese airborne gravimetry system is flown in Bo Hai Bay in the l ast three years .The surveying area extends about two hundred thousand square kilometers and 5′× 5′grid mean gravity anomaly has been obtained .The gravimetry is summarized and its key processing method is introduced firstly .Then ,we discuss the accuracy estimation methods for the airborne gravity in detail ,and introduce so‐called grid‐overlapping method to appropriately evaluate the internal accuracy of the grid mean gravity anomaly .The results indicate that the standard deviation of the crossover errors is about 1 5.mGal at the resolution of 5 arcmin ,the standard deviation of the 5′× 5′grid mean gravity anomaly evaluated by grid‐overlapping method is about 1 6.mGal ,and the accuracy of the 5′× 5′grid mean gravity anomaly are better than 3 0. mGa1 compared with the satellite altimetry gravity data and the seaborne gravitydatarespectively.Thesystemicerrorandthestandarddeviationofthe 1°×1°meanairbornegravity compared with the GOCE gravity field model are less than 0 5. mGal and about 2 7. mGal respectively .The accuracy of the regional geoid using airborne gravity data in the surveying area is improved to 12 cm , whereas i t i s about 23 cm computed from EGM 2008 model .