定义多源多汇网络系统两种连通可靠性事件的逻辑表达式,并用布尔立方体矩阵对其逻辑关系进行表示。在布尔立方体蕴含 、归并∪、交∩运算的基础上,提出布尔立方体矩阵乘法×、加法+、不交化运算#三种算子及其相应运算法则,建立适用于网络系统可靠度计算的布尔函数不交化的立方体算法,并给出相应计算机机算实现过程,解决了网络系统可靠性解析分析法中,无法实现一组汇点到各个源点问同时连通可靠概率的计算问题。文中算例说明该方法是有效的。
Two logic expressions of connectivity reliability events in the multi-source and multi-terminal system are defined. The logie connection expressions are described with Boolean cubic matrix. On the basis of Boolean cube which contains the operation of inelu- sian , aggregation∪ and intersection ∩, three operators of Boolean eubical matrix (multiplication×, addition + and disjoint calcu- lation # ) and algorithm role are presented. The cubical algorithm for disjoint of Boolean function that is applicable for reliability calcula- tion of network system is put forward. The process of ealeulation in computer corresponding eubieal algorithm is shown and solves the calculating problem for the probability of connectivity reliability among a set of sink points to different appointed source points simultaneously. The example given here demonstrates the validity of the method.