提出并实现了一种小型、快速且稳定的八通道光子符合仪.此仪器采用高速ECL逻辑电路、FPGA可编程器件和USB2.0高速接口,能够同时统计八通道单光子检测器所有可能的单个或符合事件,且其平均处理速度最高可达到12.5 M事件/秒.此仪器在统计结果中还加入了辨别事件到达顺序的时间信息,再配合PC及其应用程序可实时监测八个通道中的任一路或符合事件.通过实时监测来调整单光子检测器及其前端的光路使其工作在最佳状态.同时此仪器还实现了不丢失地记录发生的间隔在13 ns(激光器的重复频率为76 MHz)时的事件.
A compact,fast and stable eight-channel photon coincidence device was presented.Implemented with high-speed ECL logic devices,FPGA device and high-speed USB 2.0 device,the device can count all possible single and coincidence detection events with eight single-photon at once,and its average processing speed can reach 12.5 M events/s.Time information was inserted into the count result to tell the order in which the events arrive.With the PC and its application,the device can real-time monitor any single or multichannel coincidence of eight channels.The single-photon detector and the front optic devices can be made to work in an optimal condition by adjusting then using the real-time monitoring data.Also,the device can record any two events occurring at a minimum interval of 13 ns(the frequency of laser being 76 MHz).