In search of a new method to illustrate the microsporogenesis, this microscopy with DAPI (4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining to pattern and chromosomes behavior during microsporogenesis of Populus study uses indirect immunofluorescence observe the microtubule cytoskeleton simonii x P. euphratica. The results indicated that microtubule cytoskeleton was involved in many key processes of microsporogenesis. Spindles of metaphase Ⅱ were mutually parallel or perpendicular. No typically phragmoplasts were observed at telophase Ⅱ , while cytokinesis occurred simultaneously among the radial microtubules systems which expanded from the sister nuclei and non-sister nuclei. The tetrad was shaped chromosomes were distinguished in anaphase Ⅰ and anaphase Ⅱ observed during microsporogenesis, such as second meiosis, furrow occurred between the dyad were found together with tetrad at tetrad Key words immunofluorescence ; meiosis ; in a tetrahedral or isobilateral pattern. by DAPI staining. Abnormal meiosis were Lag also fused spindles at metaphase Ⅱ , asynchronous division of the mutually parallels at the second division, as well as triad and stage. microtubule ; microspore ; Populus simonii x P. euphratica