Hot deformation behavior of 2A42/2%TiB2 composite was investigated at the temperature range of 380-500℃ and strain rate range of 0.01-1 s-1 via Gleeble-1500 thermal simulation machine and the DeformTM finite element simulation calculation. The results show that the flow stress decreases with increasing deformation temperature and increases with increasing strain rate. The finite element simulations prove that the corresponding relations between internal evolution of energy value and Zener-Holloman parameter can be fitted by quadratic spline curve. The microstrncture analysis shows that, at high Z value region, dislocation with high density form internally and thermal effect on dislocation tangles and migrates is significant. The gap of integral energy consumption between simulation values and experimental values is great. At lower Z-value, dislocations disappear through merging, and dislocation density reduces greatly. Meanwhile, the integral energy consumption is only one third of the peak value.