The status of the crimson tai resource in Beibu Gulf is assessed using a per-recruit model noting that there are no significant differences in growth and mortality between sexes. It is estimated that at the current fishing mortality rate the spawning biomass per recruit is 16.76% indicating that the fishery is overfished with a recruitment failure at present. A number of management scenarios, based on minimum size limits, including closed season and closed areas were evaluated for this fishery in order to determine which of the scenario would increase spawning biomass per recruit without comprising yield harvest rates to levels which may lead to socio-economic hardship among fishers. The resuits show that the closed season and closed areas can improve spawner biomass per recruit to some extent under current fishing moaality. It is proposed that the current management measures with minimum catchable length of 104mm can restore spawning biomass per recruit to 28.39 % of the unfished level and prevent this fishery from collapsing and increase yield per recruit in mass up 31.95 %. However, relevant fishing effort should reduce 32.50% in order to realizing the fishery sustainable exploitation.