本文以凯江蒸发模式为基础,利用气象观测资料,根据水热平衡关系建立了适合于合肥地区的陆面蒸发模式,并利用此模式估算并验证合肥董铺水库的可供水量。结果表明,利用此模式计算年供水量为7 150×104m3,与其实际供水量6 900×104m3相比,精度为96.4%,表明了此模式在城市供水型水库可供水量计算中的实用性。
In this paper,the land surface evaporation model for Hefei was established by using of meteorological data and according to the balance between water and heat based on Kaijiang evaporation model,and it was used to estimate and verify the availability of water supply in Dongpu reservoir.The results show that its annual water supply is 71.5 million m3.Compared to the actual water supply 69 million m3,the accuracy is 96.4%.The method indicates its practicality in calculating water supply of urban reservoir.