The different expressions between Pro/E model and MATLAB/Simulink model affect directly co-simulation. The process of transferring the Pro/E assembly model to MATLAB/Sim- ulink model was divided into two sections: extraction of the assembly model information and transformation of the interface information. The realization of the former was based on feature design technology and hierarchical classification, the latter took. xml as a neutral file and mapped information from Pro/E to MATLAB/Simulink. Transforming constraints of the Pro/E assembly model into kinematic pair of the mechanism was the key point. The process used compositional rea- soning algorithm based on the degree of constraint to realize the transformation, and studied spiral theory about transforming constraints into kinematic pair. Finally, the experiment based on the excavator con- firmed the feasibility of the research technique. The proposed method has solved the related technological problems when the united simulation is carried out by Pro/E and MATLAB/Simulink.