The full CBH Ⅱ gene of Triehoderma koningii AS3.2774 was amplified by the reverse tran- seription-polymerase chain reaetion(RT-PCR), the product was a 1 413 bp eDNA fragment. Using T-A eloing technique, the PCR product was cloned into pMD18-T Simple Vector. Reeombinant plasmid pMD18-T-CBH Ⅱ and pW425t, the prokaryotie expression shuttle vector between E. eoli and Laetoba- eillus, was digested with SmaI and SphI enzymes respectively. The purified CBH Ⅱ gene was subeloned into the expression vector pW425t. Thus, the recombinant pW425t-CBH Ⅱ was eonstrueted, then was transformed into the competence thyA gene-mutant E.eoli X13.SDS-PAGE analysis, about 49.6 kD pro- tein had been produced. CBH H transformants can produce clear hydrolysis halos on the Congo-Red- CMC plate, and optimum enzyme activity was achieved at 50 ℃ and pH 5.0 by the pNPC method.