基于国家创新型城市和区域创新中心城市建设政策,从城市空间尺度出发,选取15个典型创新型城市为样本,结合数据包络分析中的CCR和BCC模型,对各城市创新综合效率、技术效率和规模效率进行了对比分析,基于Ozman M技术宽度和深度计算方法,利用专利数据对各城市技术创新复杂度进行了考察。结果发现,个别城市技术创新发展过程存在创新投入冗余、效率不高、创新复杂程度偏低等问题。
Based on the Innovative City Policy and regional innovation center city construction, this paper selects 15 typical innovative city from the spatial scale of 'city'. Technical and scale efficiency of cities are calculated by the CCR and BCC model of DEA; innovation complexity of cities are calculated by Ozman M's method of technical width and depth. We find some problems exists in the development process of the typical cities, such as redundancy of innovation, low innovation ef- ficiency and complexity.