On the bases of the fractal dimension and EPIC model, it is studied the effect of planting L. leucocephala hedgerows on soil fraetal feature and soil erodibility on sloping cropland of Purple Soil Area. The results show that, the plantation of hedgerows may increase the content of soil clay on the slope while has no significant impact on the erodibility of the whole soil on the slope plots. There was a positive influence on soil organic matter accumulation on slope farmland plots by planting the hedgerows. Soil fractal dimension was correlated negatively with sand and silt particles, and positively with clay particles. There was a significant positive correlation between soil erodibility K and soil silt particles content, with the correlation coefficient of 0.957. There was a negative correlation between soil erodibility K and fraetal dimension of soil particles, soil sand particles content, soil clay particles content and OC content, with the correlation coefficient of - 0. 589, - 0. 668, - 0. 603, and - 0.286 respectively.