Traffic road plays an important role in transportation and is a major driving force of urban land use expansion.Therefore,traffic road has great impact on urban expansion and development.Also,urban expansion has new demands for the development of traffic road.The relationship between traffic road and urban land use expansion is complex and uncertain,so we need to study it with a variety of research methods and from various aspects.Currently,a large number of mathematical methods and spatial models have been effectively used to analyze the relationship between traffic road and urban land use expansion.In order to analyze the interaction model and impact of traffic road on urban expansion effectively,however,new technical methods should be explored.Rough set theory,proposed by Pawlak in 1982,is an extension of set theory in analyzing data with insufficient and incomplete knowledge and has been demonstrated to be useful in fields such as pattern recognition,machine learning,and automated knowledge acquisition.Rough set theory does not need prior information in analyzing data and can derives the classification or decision rules according to a knowledge reduction procedure while keeping its classification ability unmodified.Thus,rough set theory can mine the objective and inherent rules contained in the data.Rough set theory is still not commonly used in research of the relationship between traffic road and urban land use expansion.In this paper,urbanization of Guangdong Province is taken as an example and the relationship between traffic road and urban land use expansion is studied with rough set theory.The result shows that the decision rules of traffic road and urban land use expansion extracted with rough set theory can effectively reflect the relationship between traffic road and urban land use expansion and can provide some guidance on urbanization researches.