报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)植物二新记录种,即镰叶鸢尾兰(Oberonia falcata King & Pantl.)和坎布里鸢尾兰(D.kanburiensis Seidenf.)。镰叶鸢尾兰茎较长,叶镰曲状,萼片反折,唇瓣中裂片二裂呈锐角,先端尖;坎布里鸢尾兰花瓣及唇瓣边缘流苏状,唇瓣中部缢缩,在中裂片先端最宽。
Oberonia falcata King & Pantl. and O. kanburiensis Seidenf. are new to Chinese flora. O. falcata is characterized by elongate stem, falcate leaves, reflexed sepals and the midlobes of lip bilobed, with acute angle and acute apexes. O. kanburiensis is marked with fringed petals and lip, which constrict at middle part then widen forward to the greatest width.