Flotation tests were conducted on a high silica phos- phate rock in Guizhou, using a new collector. The effects of dosa- ges of depressor and collector as well as proportion of synergists on the concentrate yield,grade and recovery of P2 05 in phosphate concentrate were examined. The results of the tests showed that the phosphate concentrate with P205 grade 30.16% and P2O5 re- covery of 90. 25% could be obtained as grade of raw ore was 24.64% ,grinding fineness of-- 0. 074 mm was 86%, dosage of synergist was 0. 75 kg/t,dosages of collector was 0. 92 kg/t,pro- portion of WO1 : WO2 = 2 : 1, dosages of depressors Na2CO3 and Na2SiO3 were 11.54 kg/t and 3.0 kg/t respectively.