In the pond culture conditions, the water consumption characteristics and water use efficiency of peanut were studied under the planting patterns of spring sowing with film (CBFM) , spring sowing in open field (CBLD) , summer sowing with film (XBFM) , summer sowing in open field (XBLD) , intercropping with wheat (MT) and sowing in wheat field (MTLD ,as the control). The results showed that the water consump- tion of peanut was different under different planting patterns, when the amount of precipitation was the same in the growth period. The water consumption was in proportion to the soil water consumption, but the percentage of precipitation water consumption accounted for farmland water consumption was inversely proportional to that of soil water consumption accounted for farmland water consumption. The pod yield, water use efficiency, pre- cipitation use efficiency and soil water use efficiency were the highest under the treatment of CBFM, while that was the lowest under MT. The precipitation use efficiency under XBFM was higher than that under XBLD. The soil water use efficiency was lower under MT compared to that under MTLD.