以Web of Science数据库中收录的开放式创新文献为研究对象,借助Citespace II软件进行知识图谱分析,分别制作了时空分布、文献共引和关键词共现知识图谱,进而探究了开放式创新研究的分布状况、变化趋势和热点领域。研究表明:(1)英美两国学者引领了开放式创新研究,我国学者在该领域的研究处于稳步提升阶段,但能够密切跟踪国际前沿;(2)开放式创新研究的发展趋势是研究对象日趋多样化、实证研究取代案例研究成为主要研究方法以及基于网络社区的创新交互逐步取代企业实体之间的技术交易和合作研发成为研究主流;(3)开放式创新研究的四个热点领域是开放式创新模式与企业绩效的关系、基于创新网络的研发合作和技术交易、开放式创新知识治理和用户参与的开放式创新实践应用。
Citespace II is used to do the knowledge map analysis to all the open innovation research literature collected in the Web of Science database, with which time and space distribution, co - cited reference and co - word knowledge maps are made to analyze the distribution, change trends and hop topics in the field of open innovation. The study results show that: ( 1 ) British and American scholars have led the open innovation research, and Chinese scholars' researches in this field are improving steadi- ly, which can follow closely the international front; (2) there are three main developing trends in the open innovation research: the diversity of research objectives, empirical study is replacing case study as the main research methods and the innovation inter- action through online communities is becoming the research mainstream replacing the technology trading and cooperative R&D be- twcen the enterprises offline; (3) the relationship between open innovation model and enterprises' performance, the R&D coop- eration and technology transactions based on the innovation networks, knowledge governance of open innovation and the applica- tion of open innovation with users participation are four hot topics of the open innovation research.